“And through the fire, our gold back.”

The ruling class who turned a nature-giving world into an acid-rotting shell are humans. Not gods, not concepts, not untouchable myths. They are men. And like all men, they burn. Their cellulose bonds break apart. Their flesh melts, alongside their illusion of immortality and all the gold that once belonged to us. Fire doesn’t discriminate. Only through their destruction can we, the people of the Earth, take back our stolen humanity and dignity. Nothing else will do it. Nothing.

We need to rise up. Claim this humanity as the only f*cking right handed to us. We need to become what they once feared the most: a mass of dangerous human beings with nothing else left to lose, moved only by love and a strong desire to remain when the heavy smoke finally clears. And it will.

A global revolution is still possible. And with small sacrifices on our end, we can still claim a great victory. It doesn’t matter that we burn, as long as they burn more.